Board of Trustees
The McCall-Donnelly School District Board of Trustees sets school policies within the guidelines of the law and the Idaho State Board of Education.
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The McCall-Donnelly School District Board of Trustees consists of five members who are elected by the voters of the district. Board members serve four-year staggered terms and represent a specific geographic area. The board sets school policies within the guidelines of the law and the Idaho State Board of Education. Trustees are responsible for the following tasks:
Approve personnel changes and salaries.
Approve district instructional programs.
Decide how district money is spent and approve the budget.
Select the superintendent.
Serve as a liaison between the schools and the community.
Set and evaluate school district goals.
Stay current with educational trends and work toward change when necessary.
McCall- Donnelly School District Board Clerk Melissa Haslett 208.634.2161
The public is welcome to attend school board meetings held the second Monday of the month, 6:00 PM at the School District Office, located at 299 S 3rd Street McCall, Idaho 83638. Special sessions are announced to the public in advance. For a schedule of the board meetings please call 208.634.2161.