Online access to schedules, grades, homework, and attendance information makes it easy for parents and teachers to stay in close contact with student progress.
Student & Family Success
MDSD Handbook
There has been much discussion on the benefits of student information systems and how they have given educators the opportunity to receive and communicate targeted and comprehensive information in real- time, allowing the focus to be placed on student achievement. And while today's educators can customize their student information system with tools that enable data analysis and enhance student assessment, they also have the potential to build a collaborative environment for another critical stakeholder in the education process: parents.
The classroom landscape is changing and the increased communication between parents, students and teachers is impacting student achievement in new ways. Whether inside or outside the classroom, online access to schedules, grades, homework, and attendance information makes it easy for parents and teachers to stay in close contact with student progress. In turn, this holds students more accountable for their own academic performance. With the appropriate performance infrastructure in place - ideally one that encourages and enables parental involvement - it becomes easier to ensure that students meet challenging standards, teachers target instruction, and school districts allocate resources effectively.