Sr Pics

Timeless Photos will take the MDHS Senior Tux and Drape Photos on August 23 from 9 to 11 am in the MPR. THIS IS A NEW TIME!

SENIORS: arrive on-time or early for your scheduled slot. NEW LINK TO SIGN UP!

Ladies will be given a drape to wear in their photo. It is recommended that a tank top or undershirt be worn under the drape. Gentlemen will be given a tux covering and should wear a crew neck light colored shirt underneath.

You must get your tux/drape photo taken in order to be included in the senior composite that decorates the MDHS hallway and is presented at graduation. Only one make-up day will be provided for those who miss--don't miss or you risk not being included in the school composite!

Contact Suzanne Mack at or call 208-634-2218 option 4 with questions.

Order information will be available AT picture day.